Saturday, April 17, 2010


Yes my friends there is another Hybrid of lion and tigers known as TIGONS.
Tigons are the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion (a lioness).
They are usually tawny in color with pale brown to brown candle flame shaped stripes along their backs and down their legs. Their underbellies are often paler and even sometimes white. Spots can often be seen on their underbellies as remnants of their lion heritage (young lions have spots that diminish as they age.
They are smaller in size compared to LIGERS..........

The TIGONS "speak" both tiger and lion, often chuffing and roaring.
yes these characters resembles there parents....

The tigon is a rather small cat, usually weighing in at about 350 pounds. Some of them will get to be the same size as their smallest parent..........


yes my friends the biggest liger on earth is alive more looks like a prehistoric giant cat.....
the biggest LIGER NAMED Him Hercules ....
Hercules is kept in the custody of an institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species, in Miami, Florida , institute owner DrBhagavan Antle. According to him
"We have lions and tigers living together in large enclosures and at first we had no idea how well one of the lion boys was getting along with a tiger girl, then loo and behold we had a liger."
This Giant devour 20lb of meat, usually beef or chicken, and is capable of eating 100lb at a single setting.At an age of only 3yrs he is more than 12feet tall and weighing an unusual of more 45o pounds.....
HERCULES can run at an speed of 50mph ... Not only that, but he likes to swim, a feat unheard of among water-fearing lions.